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Recently reviewed Professionals
Seok Ho Kim, an expert in the field of antitrust and fair trade, provides advice to Lee & Ko on all aspects of fair trade in the antitrust & competition areas. For more than 22 years, he served in important positions at the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) including Head of the Corporate Combination Division, the Director of the Cartel Investigation Division, the Director of the Human Resources Division, Director General of the Cartel Investigation Bureau, Chief of the Seoul Regional Office, and Director General of the Corporate Trade Policy Bureau and the standing commissioner at the KFTC. Prior to joining Lee & Ko in 2020, Mr. Kim also worked as a visiting professor in the Department of Business Administration at Halla University. He has a wealth of experience in dealing with various cases in all aspects of fair trade, including cartels, unfair support acts, business combinations (M & As), unfair trade, subcontracting, franchise and distribution, display advertising, and e-commerce.
1992 Seoul National University, Graduate School of Public Administration
1987 Kyungpook National University - B.A. in Economics and Business Administration
2020-Present Lee & Ko
2017-2020 Visiting Professor, Halla University (Department of Business Administration)
2014-2017 Standing Commissioner, Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC)
2012-2014 Director General of Business Trade Policy Bureau, KFTC
2012 Chief of Seoul Regional Fair Trade Office, KFTC
2009-2011 Director General of Cartel Investigation Bureau, KFTC
2009 Spokesperson, KFTC
1987 Passed the Higher Civil Service Examination
Korean and English
2017 Red Stripes Order of Service Merit