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Recently reviewed Professionals
Min Sik Kim worked at the Korean government, the National Assembly and public institutions for nearly 20 years prior to joining Lee & Ko in 2022. He has handled various public responsibilities, including enactment and revision of legislations, national budget review, and international cooperation matters. As a policy adviser to the Minister of Health and Welfare, he participated in the legislative support activities and responded to pending issues while liaising with the National Assembly, the ruling and opposition parties, and the media. He also worked at the National Assembly's Health and Welfare Committee for decades, where he served as an aide to the Standing Committee’s Chairman and the Secretary-General. He also served as a policy advisor to the Minister of Health and Welfare where he has gained diverse public policy and administrative experiences and expertise. Prior to joining Lee & Ko, he was a member of the advisory group in the Social Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee on National Policy Planning (equivalent to the Presidential Transition Committee).
Negotiation and legislation related to the introduction of CCTV cameras in hospital operating rooms (Amendment to the Medical Service Act)
Establishment of legal basis for non-face-to-face treatment in the crisis stage of infectious diseases (Amendment to the Infectious Disease Prevention Act)
Promotion of the introduction of pharmaceuticals/medical devices contracts sales organization (CSO) reporting system (Amendment to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, Medical Device Act)
2004 Korea University Graduate School of Political Science and Diplomacy – Completion of the Master’s Degree Coursework
2002 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies – B.A. in Japanese Language
2022-Present Lee & Ko
2021-2022 Policy Advisor to the Minister of Health and Welfare
2020-2021 Political Aide to a Member of the National Assembly
2017-2020 Team Head, National Pension Service
2017 Advisor, Social Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee on National Policy Planning
2004-2017 Secretary and Political Aide to a Member of the National Assembly
2017 Licensed Administrative Agent
Korean, English and Japanese
2017 National Assembly Speaker’s Award