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Before joining Lee & Ko in January 2013, Byungchul Choi worked in the Korean government for 27 years (1985 to 2012) and worked on matters such as (i) establishment of a long-term comprehensive plan for environment preservation; (ii) enactment/revision of environmental laws; (iii) control or regulation of environmental pollutions; (iv) examination of environmental dispute cases; (v) provision of environmental consulting services for foreign-invested companies; (vi) investigation of the present condition of environmental pollution, including soil pollution; (vii) provision of environmental consulting services for local government and companies; (viii) investigation and referral of environmental pollution cases; (ix) establishment of a comprehensive plan for waste resources and biomass energy; and (x) construction of the environment energy town planBased on his extensive expertise and experience, as well as strong network with regulatory authorities, Mr. Choi consults clients on the authoritative interpretation of environmental laws, environmental pollution cases, and matters relating to M&A of environment industries. He also provides consulting advice to specializes in providing consultancy services regarding environmental disputes on regulatory interpretation, environmental disputes arising from environmental pollution, and environment R&D.
Consult with the Ministry of Environment and other relevant competent authorities regarding environmental laws and regulations
Support register, report, and obtainment of approvals and permits for chemical products
Advice clients on the installation of environment-polluting facilities, including obtainment of integrated environmental impact assessment
Advice clients on the regulation of pollutant emitting facilities
Advice clients on the automobile industry on matters relating to environmental approvals, such as obtaining permission for waste treatment
Discovery and due diligence of environmental industries eligible for M&A
Consult on matters relating to environmental litigation including the current status and legal ramifications
2005 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - Ph.D.
1990 Leeds University - M.Sc.
1989 Seoul National University - M.P.H.
1979 Myungji University - B.A.
2013-Present Lee & Ko
2009-2012 Executive Director, Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corp
2008-2009 Director, Waste to Energy Team, Ministry of Environment
2007-2008 General Director, Yeongsan Rever Environmental Agency
2006-2007 Environmental Consultant, Jeju Provincial Office
2005-2006 Manager, Municipal Waste Management Division, Ministry of Environment
2002-2005 Expert Advisor, LH Int'l Urban Development Cooperation Center
2000-2002 Manager, Policy Coordination Division, Ministry of Environment
1998-2000 Environmental Consultant, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency
1997-1998 Environmental Examination, National Environmental Dispute Resolution Commission Director, Kum Rever Environment
2016 Licensed Administrative Agent
Korean and English
2010 Red Stripes, Order of Service Merit
2002 Outstanding Public Official, Prime Minister's Commendation
1991 The Premier Award 'Exemplary Public Official'
1988 The Environmental Director Award 'Environmental Development National Merit'
General Planning of Seoul Metropolitan Area Environmental Energy Development (ISWA in Year 2011, i-CIPEC in Year 2013)
Investigation on the environmental effect of electronics and research on recycling promotion, etc. (2005)
Presentation on the Transaction Structures in Capital Markets and Related Legal Issues (thebell Financial Academy, 2017, 2018)