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Kirak Kim is an advisor for customs related matters at Lee & Ko, focusing on customs examination (transfer pricing) and investigations of acts violating customs regulations, inspection as well as investigations into foreign exchange transactions, classification of items and legality of customs clearance of imports and exports. Before joining Lee & Ko, Mr. Kim worked for major governmental organizations in charge of customs services in Korea, where his responsibilities included comprehensive examination of extensive areas of customs, including inspections of foreign exchange transactions, examination of customs, investigations into customs clearance of imports and exports, classification of items and the operation and management of duty free shops. He has worked at renowned domestic and foreign law firms and accounting firms, where he worked on numerous matters, including the acquisition of duty free shop licenses, investigations into violation of customs laws and regulations, investigations of foreign exchange transactions and customs examination (transfer pricing). He also provided in-depth advice on customs as commissioner at major customs examination committees.
[Examination of Customs]
Review of appropriateness of transfer pricing and item classification, etc. regarding Company F's pots
Examination of Company A's transfer pricing, item classification, country of origin, and offset, etc.
Examination of Company C's transfer pricing, including its royalty
Examination of Companies O and W's transfer pricing and legality of customs clearance
Examination of Company K's transfer pricing, item classification, etc.
Examination of Company B's transfer pricing and legality of customs clearance of chemical substances
[Prior Diagnosis of Customs Risks]
Provided consultation on the implementation of import and export procedure to Companies C, D, M and P
Provided consultation regarding bonded warehouses to Companies H and L
Provided consultation on potential and fixed prices to Pharmaceutical Company F
[Verification of Country of Origin under FTA Regulation]
Provided consultation on works of Approved Exporters to Company C
Review of Company U and Company R's criteria for determination of country of origin
[Consultation on Duty Free Shop Licensees]
Provided consultation on execution of a business plan for airport duty free shops and acquisition of licenses to Company D
Provided consultation on execution of a business plan for downtown duty free shops and acquisition of licenses to Company D and Company G
[Consultation on Customs-Related Criminal Cases and Foreign Exchange]
Represented Company K for a customs investigation on its violation of the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act
Represented Company L for its violation of the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act and its crime of property moving to a foreign country
Represented Companies M and N for violation of the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act, regarding third party payment, and unreported offset, etc.
1998 National Tax College A.A. in Customs Administration
2021-Present Lee & Ko
2021-Present Commissioner of Customs Examination Committee, Busan Central Customs
2020 WeAdvise
2015 Commissioner of Customs Examination Committee, Busan Central Customs
2012-2016 Kim &Chang
2011-2014 Commissioner of Customs Evaluation Council, Seoul Central Customs
2006-2012 Ernst &Young Han Young Accounting Corp.
2005 Shin &Kim
1998-2001 Korea Customs Service, Busan Central Customs, Yangsan Customs, Kimpo Customs, Incheon Incheon Central Customs
International Trade Specialist (Korea Trade International Association)
Korean and English
2015 Commendation from the Head of Busan Central Customs
1998 Commendation from the Deputy Prime Minister of Finance and Economy
Member of Korea Research Society for Customs