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Senior Advisor Eunsoo Ha started his career in financial regulations and enforcement when he joined the Securities Supervisory Board (currently Financial Supervisory Service) in 1990. Since then, he has acquired comprehensive knowledge of the financial market and at various times during his long and successful career, he was in charge of various responsibilities such as issuance of securities, market regulation, supervision and examination of financial institutions for around 30 years. During his 12 years as an unfair stock trading investigator, including his secondment to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in 2007, he has handled a vast number of investigations and contributed greatly to the education and training of transfer investigators as well as the development and establishment of investigation techniques and systems, respectively. He is considered to be one of the main contributors who has laid the foundation for the Financial Supervisory Service's investigation of unfair stock trading. During his tenure as the Head of the Credit Finance Examination Office and the Bank Compliance Examination Department, he has been highly regarded as a market-friendly director who faithfully listens to problems and difficulties of the institutions in conducting examinations and sanctions on credit card companies, capitals and banks. He was appointed as the Executive Director of the Korea Savings Bank Federation in 2018. He has greatly improved the working environment of savings bank by implementing a digital banking strategy that is suitable for the non-face-to-face era, diversifying the receiving channels of savings banks by incorporating it into retirement pension packages and strengthening customer rights protection measures. With a comprehensive understanding and a wide range of experience from the capital market to the second-tier financial sector, he provides hands-on practical advice on various financial issues as well as in-depth solutions to issues such as examinations, unfair stock trading investigations and sanctions.
2021 Yonsei University Advanced Management Program
1987 Kyungpook National University - M.A. in Psychology
1985 Kyungpook National University - B.A. in Psychology
2021-Present Lee & Ko
2018-2021 Executive Director of Korea Savings Bank Federation
2017-2018 Professor of Financial Supervisory Service's (FSS) Illegal Finance Monitoring Department
2016-2017 Director of FSS Bank Compliance Examination Department
2015-2016 Director of FSS Credit Finance Examination Office
2014-2015 Deputy Director of FSS Capital Market Investigation Department 1
2013-2014 Team Leader of FSS Special Investigation Department
2012-2013 Team Leader of FSS Special Investigation on Theme Stocks in the 18th Presidential Election
2010-2012 Team Leader of FSS Special Investigation Team of Capital Market Investigation Department 1
2009-2010 Dispatched to Chungnam Provincial Government as Economic Cooperation Officer
2008-2009 Lead Examiner of FSS Investigation Team of Capital Market Investigation Department 1
2007-2008 Dispatched to US SEC as secondee
2002-2007 Lead Examiner of FSS Investigation Team of Capital Market Investigation Department
2001-2002 Senior Examiner of FSS Stock Market Examination Department 2
2000-2001 Senior Examiner of General Investigation Department
1999-2000 FSS Securities Sector Counter Partner for Arthur Anderson's management consulting
1999 Examiner of Insurance Examination Department 9
1990-1999 Securities Supervisory Board (General Affairs Department, Financial Management Department, Market Management Office, General Examination Department)
Korean and English
Introduction to Unfair Stock Trading Investigation (Essay Publishing, 2009)