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Senior Advisor Tadashi Tamaki has met various chief executive officers during his career at Nihon Keizai Shimbun (NIKKEI), which is one of the most representative economic newspapers in Japan. He was in charge of the electrical and electronics, semiconductor, communication, and trading industries as a reporter in the business news department.

Tadashi Tamaki wrote a critical biography about Gordon Moore, the founder of INTEL, while he held the position as chief of the NIKKEI US subsidiary in Houston, Texas.

Tadashi Tamaki currently works as Senior Advisor for the Japan Practice Group at Lee&Ko, and provides consulting services to a wide range of clients based on his deep knowledge about the economical relationship between Korea and Japan.
1987 Yonsei University Korean Language Institute Seoul, Korea
1983 Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan - Bachelor of Law
1981-1982 Exchange Program at the Washington and Lee University Lexington, Virginia, USA
Work Experience
2012-Present Lee & Ko
2006 Editor of Marketing News Department
2001-2005 Seoul Bureau Chief
1998-2001 Deputy Editor of Business News Department
1992-1995 Houston Bureau Chief
1983 Reporter of Business News Department, Nihon Keizai Shimbun (NIKKEI)
Japanese, Korean, English
Publications / Presentations / ETC
『インテルとともに』, NIKKEI, 1995 (authorized bio of Intel founder)
『韓国はなぜ改革できたのか』, NIKKEI, 2003 (on economic reform of Korea after IMF era)
『超格差社会 韓国』, Fusosha, 2009 (on social and economic change of Korea after the year of 2000)
『韓国財閥はどこへ行く』, Fusosha, 2012 (on the Chaebol in Korean society)
『한국경제, 돈의 배반이 시작된다』, Small Big Insight, 2016