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Sungil Bang's practice at Lee & Ko focuses on legal issues in the areas of healthcare and intellectual property, with a special emphasis on pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics. In addition to his legal credentials, Mr. Bang has an extensive background in pharmaceutical and medical sciences, including earning both a B.S. in pharmacology and an M.S. in medical science at Kyunghee University. As a result, Mr.Bang has a particularly excellent contextualized understanding of pharmaceutical and medical technology and intellectual property as well as the full range of legal and regulatory concerns in the pharmaceutical and medical business sectors in Korea.
2022 Korea University Law School - SJD (study completed)
2013 Chungbuk National University Law School
2010 Kyunghee University - M.S. (Medical science)
2008 Kyungsung University - B.S. in Pharmacy
2004 Yonsei University Social Sciences & LAW
Work Experience
2017-Present Lee & Ko
2016-2017 Chungjeong Law Firm
2013-2016 Military Judicial Officer
2013 Admitted to bar, Korea
2008 Admitted to Korean Pharmaceutical Association
Korean and English
Publications / Presentations / ETC
Pungent Ingredients of Spices and the Evocation of inward Current in Acutely Dispersed Nodose Ganglion Neurons (Kyunghee University School of Medicine, 2010. 2.)
Transient Receptor Potential A1 and Increase Glutamate Release on Brain Stem Neurons (Neuroreport, 2009. 7. 15.)
TRPV1 and TRPA1 Channels and Induced Currents from Acutely Dispersed Nodose Ganglion Neurons with the Channels Distributed Heterogeneously (Neuroscience, Washington, D.C, Lecture, 2008. 6.)